

Prices and availability

Restaurant opening times:
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday: from 5.30 p.m. (kitchen until 8.30 p.m.)

rest days:
Thursday: does not apply to house guests
Sunday: rest day for everyone

(Several good restaurants are only about 300 m away in the direction of the town center,
which can be visited on our rest day)

The hotel is open all day!

Phone 49 (0)6836 / 8004540

Check-in (from 3 p.m.)
(Deviations possible after prior agreement)

Breakfast 6.30 a.m. - 9.00 a.m. (weekend 8.00 a.m. - 10.00 a.m.)

We serve your breakfast at the table. You will be allocated a place for this:

Our breakfast includes:
Coffee, tea or cocoa, fresh rolls, fruit salad, either freshly baked scrambled or fried eggs, boiled eggs, sausage and cheese platter, tomato and cucumber, pickles, homemade jam, brioche, fresh fruit, yoghurt, muesli, cornflakes,
Organic grains from the mill, dried fruit, nuts, orange juice, mineral water

Arrival: Mon-Sat: 3 p.m. – 10 p.m
Arrival on a Sunday: via keyboy code to tel. agreement or by email.
Departure: until 11.30 a.m
(Deviations are possible!)
All prices include VAT.
Corporate discounts are available for long-term stays.Please contact us!

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